Autumn-Test 02.11.2019
Prüfungsleiterin: Corinna Schubert // Judge: Udo Herrmann
Fährtenleger(in): Regina Egg, Marc Schubert, Mike Kunde

In beautiful autumn weather our fall test took place on the very weekend that was the weekend of the NORDSEECUP for 20 years!
Udo Herrmann, who finished his active judging career this year, evaluated the candidates and was happy with them about the very excellent services.
All could pass the exam. Our congratulations! A big thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of this event.
Many thanks also to our dog handlers, and dog handlers and guests from other groups! Nice that you have been there.
At the end of the test, Udo Herrmann was adopted by the group in an atmospheric atmosphere with torchlight and firelight.
The 1st Chairman thanked him for the numerous assignments in the group's auditions and especially for the NORDSEECUP,
of which he was an integral part for many, many years.
Thanks for many nice hours, Udo! Take care!

Hundeführer Hund Rasse Prfgstufe Ergebnis
Tom Zimmermann Chicco von Santinda Boxer BH / VT bestanden
Karl Heinz Meuser Uljana vom Weiten Land Boxer BH / VT bestanden
Sarah Miszke Riko Amber Sun Shetland Sheepdog BH / VT / SK bestanden
Birgit Heinsohn Knut Mischling BH / VT / SK bestanden
Hans-Georg Scholz Cindy Golden Retriever BH / VT / SK bestanden
Irmgard Kleinwächter Edgar vom Seerosenteich Großer Schweizer BH / VT / SK bestanden
Britta Abendroth Pepe Cocker Mischling IBGH 1
75 befr.
Rosemarie Witthohn Good Fellow's Man of the Match
Cocker Spaniel IBGH 1 78 befr.
Gundel Janßen Hailey von den Nordlichtern Boxer IFH 1 72 befr.
Marc Schubert Xabea von Preußen's Eden Boxer IFH 2 96 vorz.
Ingrid Rathkamp Tasja vom Zwischenahner Meer Boxer IFH 2 70 befr.
Hartmut Kleinwächter --- --- Sachkunde bestanden
Andreas Korzeniowsky --- --- Sachkunde bestanden
Auf Wiedersehen zu unserer Frühjahrsprüfung
am 21. / 22.03.2020
mit Leistungsrichter Klaus Jeske